BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from Y2A to Y9Z (UPDATE 2025)

BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield) member ID prefix information is crucial for medical billers, healthcare providers, and patients. This guide offers a comprehensive list of BCBS healthcare plan IDs ranging from Y2A to Y9Z, along with relevant plan names and websites. By accurately identifying these prefixes, medical billers can streamline the billing process, ensuring claims are correctly routed and processed.

In this article, we’ll provide an up-to-date overview of the BCBS prefixes to reinforce your understanding of how these identifiers work in the medical billing field.

List of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from Y2A to Y9Z

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Y2A to Y9Z prefixes.

BCBS Alpha Numeric PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameStateBCBS Home Plan Website
Y2ABCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
Y2BAnthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
Y2CAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
Y2DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2FCareFirst Blue Cross Blue ShieldMaryland/D.C./Northern Virginiacarefirst.com
Y2GPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2MBlue Cross & Blue Shield of NebraskaNebraskanebraskablue.com
Y2NBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
Y2OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2RBlue Cross Blue Shield of MontanaMontanabcbsmt.com
Y2SBlue Cross Blue Shield of MontanaMontanabcbsmt.com
Y2TBlue Cross Blue Shield of MontanaMontanabcbsmt.com
Y2UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2WBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
Y2XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y2ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3APrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3CBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
Y3DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3EPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com/ak/provider
Y3FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3GPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com/ak/provider
Y3HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3KPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com/ak/provider
Y3LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3MAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
Y3NPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3RBCBS of New MexicoNew Mexicobcbsnm.com
Y3SBCBS of New MexicoNew Mexicobcbsnm.com
Y3TBCBS of New MexicoNew Mexicobcbsnm.com
Y3UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y3ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4APrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4CAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColoradoanthem.com/contact-us/colorado
Y4DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4GAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
Y4HAnthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
Y4IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4MPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4NPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4PAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
Y4QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4RBCBS of OklahomaOklahomabcbsok.com
Y4SBCBS of OklahomaOklahomabcbsok.com
Y4TBCBS of OklahomaOklahomabcbsok.com
Y4UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y4ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5APrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5CBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
Y5DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5GPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5MPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5NPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5RPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5SPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5TAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticutanthem.com/contact-us/connecticut
Y5UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y5ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6ARegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y6BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6CPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6GRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y6HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6MAnthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
Y6NPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6PEmpire Blue Cross Blue Shield of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
Y6QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6RRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y6SPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6TRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y6UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6VRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y6WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y6ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7ARegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y7BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7CPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7GPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7MPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7NEmpire Blue Cross Blue Shield of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
Y7OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7RPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7SPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7TPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7UBCBS of OklahomaOklahomabcbsok.com
Y7VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y7ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8APrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8CAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColoradoanthem.com/contact-us/colorado
Y8DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8EEmpire Blue Cross Blue Shield of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
Y8FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8GPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8HPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8MAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
Y8NPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8RPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8SPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8TPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y8ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9APrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9BPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9CRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y9DPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9EPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9FPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9GPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9HRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com/home
Y9IPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9JPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9KPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9LPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9MPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9NAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
Y9OPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9PPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9QPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9RPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9SPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9TPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9UPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9VPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9WPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9XPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9YPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
Y9ZPrefix Unallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned

This table covers essential prefixes for BCBS healthcare plans and would serve as a vital reference point for billers and providers alike.

Importance of Understanding Prefixes

Understanding these prefixes aids in maintaining accuracy in billing, which is fundamental for financial success in the healthcare industry. Using the wrong prefix can lead to claim rejections or delays, which can disrupt cash flow for healthcare providers.

Medical professionals should regularly consult up-to-date information about BCBS prefixes to ensure the most accurate billing and maximum reimbursement from insurance plans.


The correct use of BCBS prefixes is a significant aspect of medical billing. By familiarizing themselves with this list from Y2A to Y9Z, billers and healthcare providers can enhance the efficiency of their billing processes.

For any assistance or if you have questions regarding this information, feel free to reach out to Texmed Billing Solutions at support@texmed.us.

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