BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from L2A to L9Z (Updated 2025)

Understanding the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) alpha numeric prefix system is important for medical billers and healthcare providers. This comprehensive guide provides a complete list of BCBS prefixes from L2A to L9Z, helping professionals navigate through member identifiers with ease.

What is a BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix?

The BCBS alpha numeric prefix is part of the member ID card that helps identify which BCBS plan a member belongs to. The prefix consists of two letters and one number, ranging from L2A to L9Z. Each prefix corresponds to a specific BCBS home plan, which can greatly simplify claims submissions and eligibility verification.

Importance for Medical Billing

Knowing these prefixes is crucial for:

  • Claims Processing: Correctly identify the payer at the outset.
  • Eligibility Verification: Accurately determining patient coverage and benefits.
  • Faster Reimbursements: Reducing errors that lead to payment delays.

Below is a detailed table of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes ranging from L2A to L9Z along with their corresponding home plan names and websites:

BCBS Alpha Numerix PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameStateBCBS Home Plan Website
L2AEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L2BCapital Blue-Cross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.capbluecross.com/
L2CHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.highmarkbcbs.com/
L2DHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.highmarkbcbs.com/
L2EIndependence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.ibx.com/
L2FRegence BlueCross BlueShieldOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonhttps://www.regence.com/provider/why-regence
L2GHighmark Blue-Shield of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.highmarkblueshield.com/
L2HBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L2IAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L2JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L2KBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L2LBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L2MBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L2NBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L2OAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiahttps://abcbsva.anthem.com/
L2PBlue Shield of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)https://www.bsneny.com/content/neny.html
L2QAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiahttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/georgia/
L2RBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L2SPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L2TAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L2UAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiahttps://abcbsva.anthem.com/
L2VAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiahttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/georgia/
L2WBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L2XAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L2YAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticuthttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/connecticut/
L2ZAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3ABlue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTexashttps://www.bcbstx.com/
L3BBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3CBlue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTexashttps://www.bcbstx.com/
L3DAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3EHighmark Blue-Shield of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.highmarkblueshield.com/
L3FBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3GAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3HBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L3JCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiahttps://provider.carefirst.com/providers/home.page
L3KBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3LBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3MPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L3NAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L3PHighmark BCBS of Western New YorkWestern New Yorkhttps://www.bcbswny.com/
L3QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L3RBlue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTexashttps://www.bcbstx.com/
L3SBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L3TBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusettsbluecrossma.org
L3UAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3VAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L3WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L3XBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L3YAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L3ZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L4AEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L4BBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L4CAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L4DPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L4EAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinhttps://providers.anthem.com/wisconsin-provider/home
L4FEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L4GAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L4HAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L4IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4KBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L4LBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L4MBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L4NPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L4OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4PEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L4QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4RAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L4SBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L4TAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L4UBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L4VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L4XAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinhttps://providers.anthem.com/wisconsin-provider/home
L4YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L4ZBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L5ACarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiahttps://provider.carefirst.com/providers/home.page
L5CBlue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTexashttps://www.bcbstx.com/
L5DHighmark Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahttps://www.highmarkblueshield.com/
L5HCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiahttps://provider.carefirst.com/providers/home.page
L5KBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L5LHighmark BCBS of Western New YorkWestern New Yorkhttps://www.bcbswny.com/
L5MAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiahttps://abcbsva.anthem.com/
L5NPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L5OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L5PPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L5QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L5RAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L5SBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L5TPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskahttps://www.premera.com/ak/provider/
L5UBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)https://www.bsneny.com/content/neny.html
L5VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L5WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L5XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L5YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L5ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6AAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiahttps://abcbsva.anthem.com/
L6BAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianahttps://providers.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
L6CAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiahttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/georgia/
L6DAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiahttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/georgia/
L6EBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L6FAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L6GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6HBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L6IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6KBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L6LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6MAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L6NBlue Cross and Blue Shield of TexasTexashttps://www.bcbstx.com/
L6OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6SBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L6TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6UBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotahttps://www.bluecrossmn.com/providers
L6VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6WAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticuthttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/connecticut/
L6XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L6ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7AAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L7BUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7CBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L7DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7EBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L7FBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusettsbluecrossma.org
L7GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7HAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiahttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/georgia/
L7IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7MAnthem BCBS of MaineMainehttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/maine/
L7NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7QAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L7RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7SBlue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode IslandRhode Islandhttp://www.bcbsri.com/
L7TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7UAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L7VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L7XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L7ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8ACarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiahttps://provider.carefirst.com/providers/home.page
L8BAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticuthttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/connecticut/
L8CBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L8DAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticuthttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/connecticut/
L8EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8FUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8HBlue Cross Blue Shield of VermontVermonthttps://www.bluecrossvt.org/
L8IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8LEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L8MAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourihttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/missouri/
L8NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8SBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L8TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L8XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L8ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9AAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L9BAnthem BCBS of OhioOhiohttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/ohio/
L9CBlue Cross Blue Shield of VermontVermonthttps://www.bluecrossvt.org/
L9DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9EEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L9FUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9HHighmark BCBS of DelawareDelawarehttps://www.highmarkbcbsde.com/
L9IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9MAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourihttps://www.anthem.com/contact-us/missouri/
L9NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9PAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinhttps://providers.anthem.com/wisconsin-provider/home
L9QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9SBCBS of IllinoisIllinoishttps://www.bcbsil.com/
L9TAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinhttps://providers.anthem.com/wisconsin-provider/home
L9UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9VEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkhttps://www.empireblue.com/
L9WBCBS of AlabamaAlabamahttps://www.bcbsal.org/
L9XAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniahttps://www.anthem.com/ca
L9YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
L9ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned


Adhering to this BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix list can streamline your medical billing processes immensely. Understanding these prefixes enables healthcare providers to quickly ascertain the right insurance plan associated with a specific request, which can lead to enhanced financial performance and better patient service.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your medical billing needs, feel free to reach out at support@texmed.us.

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