BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from F2A to F9Z (Update 2025)

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) prefixes play a vital role in medical billing and insurance practices. Recognizing the prefixes enables medical billers, healthcare providers, and patients to seamlessly identify the healthcare plans associated with BCBS. In this article, we will cover the BCBS alpha numeric prefixes ranging from F2A to F9Z, along with their corresponding home plans and state information.

Importance of BCBS Prefixes

For healthcare providers and billers, understanding the BCBS prefixes helps to:

  • Identify the BCBS Home Plan: Each prefix represents a different insurance provider or home plan under the BCBS umbrella.
  • Simplify Billing Process: With correct identification, it facilitates accurate billing and ensures that claims are directed to the right insurance provider.
  • Assist in Eligibility Verification: Knowing which BCBS plan to verify eligibility with speeds up the billing process.

List of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes from F2A to F9Z

Here’s a comprehensive table detailing the BCBS alpha numeric prefixes from F2A to F9Z, including the home plan name, state, and website information for each prefix.

BCBS Alpha Numeric PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameStateBCBS Home Plan Website
F2ABCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F2BBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F2CAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2DAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2EAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2FHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F2GRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
F2HAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F2IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F2JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F2KPremera BCBS of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com
F2LBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F2MBlue Cross of IdahoIdahobcidaho.com
F2NBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F2OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F2PAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F2QAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F2RCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/D.C/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
F2SBCBS of Rhode IslandRhode Islandbcbsri.com
F2TAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F2UAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2VRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
F2WBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F2XAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2YAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F2ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3AHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
F3BPremera BCBS of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com
F3CHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
F3DHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
F3EBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F3FBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F3GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3HHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F3IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3KBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F3LAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F3MBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F3NHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F3OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3PHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
F3QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3UHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F3VHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F3WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F3XHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F3YBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F3ZAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F4AAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F4BFlorida BlueFloridafloridablue.com
F4CBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F4DFlorida BlueFloridafloridablue.com
F4EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F4FBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F4GBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F4HBlue Cross Blue Shield of VermontVermontbluecrossvt.org
F4IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F4JAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F4KAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com
F4LHighmark BCBS of Western New YorkWestern New Yorkbcbswny.com
F4MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F4NAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F4OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F4PBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F4QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F4RAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com
F4SHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F4TBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F4UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F4VAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F4WFlorida BlueFloridafloridablue.com
F4XAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F4YEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
F4ZAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F5ABCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F5BBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F5CBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F5DAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F5EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5FCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/D.C/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
F5GBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F5HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5KPremera BCBS of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com
F5LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F5NAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F5OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5PHighmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New YorkNortheastern New Yorkbsneny.com
F5QAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F5RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5THorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F5UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5WHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F5XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F5ZHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F6AAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com
F6BAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com
F6CCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/D.C/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
F6DCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/D.C/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
F6EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6FAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticutanthem.com
F6GBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F6HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6LAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F6MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F6NBCBS of MichiganMichiganbcbsm.com
F6OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6SAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F6THorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F6UHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F6VHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F6WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6XBCBS of MichiganMichiganbcbsm.com
F6YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F6ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7AIndependence Blue Cross of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaibx.com
F7BAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com
F7CRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
F7DAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F7EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7FBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F7GBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F7HAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com
F7IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7LAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F7MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F7NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7PBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F7QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7RAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com
F7SAnthem BCBS of MissouriMissourianthem.com
F7TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7WBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F7XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F7ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8ABCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
F8BAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F8CAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com
F8DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8FBCBS of MichiganMichiganbcbsm.com
F8GBCBS of MichiganMichiganbcbsm.com
F8HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F8NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8SAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com
F8TBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
F8UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F8ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9ACarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/D.C/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
F9BAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F9CAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9DAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F9EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9FAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9GAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9HHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
F9IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9JAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9LBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
F9MAnthem BCBS of WisconsinWisconsinproviders.anthem.com
F9NAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9PAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
F9QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9SAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F9THorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F9UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9WHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
F9XAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com
F9YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
F9ZPremera BCBS of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com


Understanding the BCBS alpha numeric prefixes is crucial for smooth medical billing processes and eligibility verification. The information provided should serve as a valuable resource for all healthcare providers and billers involved with BCBS insurance plans. By staying updated and utilizing this information efficiently, you can improve overall claim processes and reduce errors related to health insurance verifications.

For any further inquiries or support, you can reach out to Texmed Billing Solutions at support@texmed.us.

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