BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from J2A to J9Z (UPDATE 2025)


When it comes to navigating the complexities of medical billing and insurance, knowing the BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield) alpha numeric prefixes is crucial. In this updated guide for 2025, we cover the BCBS member ID prefixes from J2A to J9Z. This information is instrumental for medical billers, healthcare providers, and patients in identifying the various BCBS healthcare plans.

Purpose of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes

The BCBS member ID prefixes simplify the process of determining insurance coverage and plan details. This can help streamline claims processing and ensure timely reimbursements. Healthcare providers and medical billing professionals should have this valuable information on hand to expedite their billing processes.

List of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from J2A to J9Z

Below is the comprehensive list of BCBS alpha numeric prefixes ranging from J2A to J9Z, along with their respective home plans and state information:

BCBS Alpha Numeric PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameState
J2AHighmark Blue-Shield of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
J2BRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington
J2CAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
J2DEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
J2EAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J2FBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J2GBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J2HAnthem BCBS of New HampshireNew Hampshire
J2IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2KAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J2LAnthem BCBS of ConnecticutConnecticut
J2MEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
J2NAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
J2OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2PBCBS of TexasTexas
J2QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2RBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J2SYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J2ZBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J3ABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J3BRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington
J3CAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J3DCarefirst BCBSMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia
J3EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3FRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washington
J3GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3HYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3MYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3NAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
J3OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3PAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J3QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3SBCBS of Northeastern New YorkNew York (Northeastern)
J3TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3XPremera BCBS of AlaskaAlaska
J3YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J3ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4ABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J4BEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
J4CHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
J4DYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4FAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
J4GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4HEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew York
J4IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4MAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
J4NAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgia
J4OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4PYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4SBCBS of MichiganMichigan
J4TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J4ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5AAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J5BYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5CBCBS of TexasTexas
J5DYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5FYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5HYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5LAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
J5MYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5NYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5PYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5RBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusetts
J5SYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J5ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6AAnthem Blue-CrossCalifornia
J6BYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6CYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6DYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6FYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6HFlorida BlueFlorida
J6IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6MAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
J6NYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6PFlorida BlueFlorida
J6QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6SYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J6ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7ABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J7BAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
J7CBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J7DYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7FYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7HYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7MAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColorado
J7NYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7PYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7SYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J7ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8AHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
J8BYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8CBCBS of TexasTexas
J8DYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8FYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8HYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8MBCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J8NYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8PYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8SAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
J8TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J8ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9ABCBS of IllinoisIllinois
J9BAnthem BCBS of OhioOhio
J9CYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9DAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndiana
J9EYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9FYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9GYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9HYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9IYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9JYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9KYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9LYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9MYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9NYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9OYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9PYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9QYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9RYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9SYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9TYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9UYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9VYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9WYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9XYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9YYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
J9ZYet to be assignedYet to be assigned


The BCBS alpha numeric prefixes play an essential role in medical billing and claims management. Keeping an updated list handy can greatly facilitate the billing process and reduce the chances of claim denials or delays. If you have questions or need assistance with your medical billing needs, feel free to reach out to TexMed Billing Solutions at support@texmed.us.

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