BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from K2A to K9Z (Update 2025)

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) member ID prefixes are essential for medical billers, healthcare providers, and patients to identify the correct BCBS healthcare plan. In this guide, we detail the complete list of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes from K2A to K9Z, along with their associated home plans, states, and websites.

Importance of BCBS Member ID Prefixes

Understanding BCBS member ID prefixes is vital for efficient medical billing and claims processing. Using the correct prefix ensures that claims are sent to the right location, speeding up reimbursements and reducing denial rates.

List of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefix from K2A to K9Z

Here’s the comprehensive list of BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes from K2A to K9Z:

BCBS Alpha Numeric PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameStateBCBS Home Plan Website
K2ABCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K2BBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K2CRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K2DBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K2EAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K2FBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K2GBCBS of OklahomaOklahomabcbsok.com
K2HBCBS of Western New YorkNew York (Western)bcbswny.com
K2IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K2JHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2KHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2LHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2MHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
K2NBlue Cross Blue Shield of VermontVermontbluecrossvt.org
K2OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K2PHorizon BCBS of New JerseyNew Jerseyhorizonblue.com
K2QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K2RHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2SPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com
K2TBCBS of MinnesotaMinnesotabluecrossmn.com
K2UHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2VHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K2WAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentuckyanthem.com/contact-us/kentucky
K2XBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K2YAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K2ZAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentuckyanthem.com/contact-us/kentucky
K3AAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K3BEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K3CAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
K3DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3FAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K3GRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K3HHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K3IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3LHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K3MAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K3NBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K3OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3PAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
K3QAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K3RHighmark BCBS of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniahighmarkbcbs.com
K3SPremera Blue Cross of AlaskaAlaskapremera.com
K3TAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K3UBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K3VRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K3WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K3ZAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K4AEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K4BAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K4CBCBS of MichiganMichiganbcbsm.com
K4DAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
K4EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4FRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K4GCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
K4HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4LAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
K4MEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K4NBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusettsbluecrossma.org
K4OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4REmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K4SBCBS of MassachusettsMassachusettsbluecrossma.org
K4TCarefirst Blue Cross Blue-ShieldMaryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginiaprovider.carefirst.com
K4UBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K4VBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K4WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K4ZAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K5AAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K5BAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
K5CAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K5DBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K5EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5FAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K5GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5MUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5NAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K5OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5PBCBS of IllinoisIllinoisbcbsil.com
K5QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5VBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K5WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K5YAnthem BCBS of KentuckyKentuckyanthem.com/contact-us/kentucky
K5ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6AEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K6BAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K6CEmpire BCBS of New YorkNew Yorkempireblue.com
K6DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6FUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6MAnthem BCBS of VirginiaVirginiaabcbsva.anthem.com
K6NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K6ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7AAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7BAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7CAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7DAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7EAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7FAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7MAnthem BCBS of OhioOhioanthem.com/contact-us/ohio
K7NAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K7OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7SRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K7TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7XBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K7YUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K7ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8AAnthem BCBS of ColoradoColoradoanthem.com/contact-us/colorado
K8BUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8CAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K8DUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8FUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8GUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8KUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8MAnthem Blue Cross of CaliforniaCaliforniaanthem.com/ca
K8NUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8PBCBS of TexasTexasbcbstx.com
K8QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8WUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K8YBCBS of ArizonaArizonaazblue.com
K8ZBCBS of ArizonaArizonaazblue.com
K9AAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K9BAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K9CAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K9DAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K9EUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9FUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9GAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K9HUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9IUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9JUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9KAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K9LUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9MAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K9NAnthem BCBS of GeorgiaGeorgiaanthem.com/contact-us/georgia
K9OUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9PUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9QUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9RUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9SUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9TUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9UUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9VUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9WAnthem BCBS of IndianaIndianaproviders.anthem.com/indiana-provider/home
K9XUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned
K9YRegence BCBSOregon/Idaho/Utah/Washingtonregence.com
K9ZUnallocated/Not AssignedYet to be assignedYet to be assigned


Understanding BCBS Alpha Numeric Prefixes is a key element in managing medical billing effectively. By ensuring you utilize these prefixes correctly, healthcare providers can enhance their billing processes, reduce claim denials, and maintain efficient revenue cycles. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Texmed Billing Solutions.

If you have further questions or require assistance with medical billing, feel free to contact us at support@texmed.us.

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