BCBS Alpha Prefix from YAA to YZZ (UPDATE 2025)

The BCBS member ID prefix provides essential information for medical billers, healthcare providers, and patients when identifying BCBS healthcare plans. In this article, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) alpha prefixes from YAA to YZZ, including the corresponding BCBS home plan names and websites, to help you navigate through the details efficiently.

Moreover, we’ve categorized major prefixes within the range for quick accessibility. If you need BCBS provider contact numbers, we have that information available too for every state.

Major BCBS Alpha Prefix Ranging between YAA to YZZ

Alpha PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameBCBS Home Plan Website
YHZHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YXFIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YPSBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YXKIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YYMHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YUNBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com

List of BCBS Alpha Prefix from YAA to YZZ

Alpha PrefixBCBS Home Plan NameBCBS Home Plan Website
YAFAnthem BCBS of Coloradoanthem.com
YAGBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YAIBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YAKAnthem Blue Cross of Californiaanthem.com
YANAnthem BCBS of Georgiaanthem.com
YAQBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YASBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YATBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YAUBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YAXBCBS of Mississippibcbsms.com
YBAUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBBUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBCUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBDPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YBEUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBFUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBGPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YBHUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBJUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBLAnthem BCBS of Kentuckyanthem.com
YBMPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YBPUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBSPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YBTPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YBUUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBWUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBXUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YBZPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YCAAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCBAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCCAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCDAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCEAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCFAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCGAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCHAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCICapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YCJAnthem BCBS of Kentuckyanthem.com
YCKAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YCNWellmark BCBSwellmark.com
YCOBCBS of Minnesotabluecrossmn.com
YCQAnthem BCBS of Indianaanthem.com
YCRBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YCSAnthem BCBS of Coloradoanthem.com
YCTAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YCUAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YCVAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YCXAnthem BCBS of Georgiaanthem.com
YCZEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YDCBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDDBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDEBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDFBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDGBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDIBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDJBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDKBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDLBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDMPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YDNBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDOBCBS of Rhode Islandbcbsri.com
YDQAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YDRBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDTBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDUBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDVBCBS of Montanabcbsmt.com
YDZBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YEDBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEEBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YEFBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEGBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEHBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEIBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YEJPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YEKBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YELBCBS of Minnesotabluecrossmn.com
YEMBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEOBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YEQBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YESBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YEUAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YEVBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YEXAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YEYEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YEZBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YFAAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFBAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFCAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFDAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFFAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFGAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFHAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFIAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFJAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFKAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFLAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFMAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFNAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFOAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFPAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFQAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFRAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFSAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YFTAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFUAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFVAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YFWAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFXAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFYAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YFZAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YGAAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGCAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGDAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGEAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGFAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGGAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGHAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGIAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGJAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGKAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGLAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGMAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGNAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGOAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGPAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGQAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGRAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGSAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGTAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGUAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGVAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGWAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YGXAnthem BCBS of New Hampshireanthem.com
YHAHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHBHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHCAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHDHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHEHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHFHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHGHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHHAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YHIBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YHJAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHKAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHLHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHMWellmark BCBSwellmark.com
YHNHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHOHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHPHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHQHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHRHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHSWellmark BCBSwellmark.com
YHTAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHUAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHVAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YHWHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHXHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHYHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YHZHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YIAUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIBUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YICUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIDUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIEUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIFUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIGUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIHUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIIUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIJUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIKUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YILUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIMUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YINUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIOUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIPUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIQUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIRUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YISUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YITUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIUUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIVUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIWUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIXUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIYUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YIZUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YJABCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJBBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJCBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJDBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJEBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJFBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJGBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJHBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJJPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YJKBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJLBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJMBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJNBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJOBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJPBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJQBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJRBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJSBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJTPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YJUBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJVPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YJWPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YJXBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJYBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YJZBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YKAHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKBHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKDHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKEHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKGHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKHHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKIHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKJHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKKHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKLHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKMHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKNWellmark BCBSwellmark.com
YKOHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKPWellmark BCBSwellmark.com
YKQHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKRHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YKZHorizon BCBS of New Jerseyhorizonblue.com
YLAEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLBEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLCEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLDEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLEEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLFEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLGPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YLHEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLJEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLKEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLLEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLMEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLNEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLOEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLPEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLQEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLREmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLSEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLTEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLUEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLVEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLWEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLXEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLYEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YLZEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YMDHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbsde.com
YMJPremera Blue Crosspremera.com
YMLPremera Blue Crosspremera.com
YMOAnthem BCBS of Georgiaanthem.com
YMUAnthem Blue Cross of Californiaanthem.com
YMWAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YNBExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNDExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNEExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNGExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNHExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNIExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YNJPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YNLPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YNMPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YNPBCBS of Illinoisbcbsil.com
YNRBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YNSExcellus BCBS of New Yorkexcellusbcbs.com
YOABlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YOBBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com
YOCBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YOEBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOFBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOGBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOIBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOJAnthem BCBS of Wisconsinanthem.com
YOKBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YONBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOOBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOQAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YORPremera Blue Crosspremera.com
YOSAnthem BCBS of Wisconsinanthem.com
YOWBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YOXCarefirst BCBS of Marylandindividual.carefirst.com
YPABCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPBBCBS of Rhode Islandbcbsri.com
YPDBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPEBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPFBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPGBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPHBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPIBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPJBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPKBCBS of Rhode Islandbcbsri.com
YPLBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPMBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPNBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPOBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPPBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPQBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPRBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPSBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPTBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPUBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPVBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPWBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPXBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPYBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YPZBCBS of North Carolinabluecrossnc.com
YQABCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQBBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQCBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQEBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQFBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQGBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQIBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQJBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQPBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQQBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQSAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YQUBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQWBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YQYBCBS of North Dakotabcbsnd.com
YRAAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRBAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRCAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YRDAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YREAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRFAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRGAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRHAnthem BCBS of Indianaanthem.com
YRJAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRKAnthem BCBS of Indianaanthem.com
YRLAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRMAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRNAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YROAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRPAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRQAnthem BCBS of Missourianthem.com
YRRAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRSAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRTAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRUAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRVAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YRWAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YRYAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YRZAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YSABlue Cross of Idahobcidaho.com
YSDAnthem BCBS of Wisconsinanthem.com
YSGBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YSIAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YSKBlue Shield of Californiablueshieldcaplans.com
YSLPremera Blue Crosspremera.com
YSMBCBS of Alabamabcbsal.org
YSNAnthem Blue Cross of Californiaanthem.com
YSPPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YSSBCBS of Massachusettshome.bluecrossma.com
YSTAnthem BCBS of Georgiaanthem.com
YSUAnthem BCBS of Georgiaanthem.com
YSWBlue Cross of Idahobcidaho.com
YSYAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YSZAnthem BCBS of Wisconsinanthem.com
YTAAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTBAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTCAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTDAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTEAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTFAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTGAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTHAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTIAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTJAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTKAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTMAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTNAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTOAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTPAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTQAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTRAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTSAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTTAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTUAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTVAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTWAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTXAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTYAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YTZAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YUABCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUBBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUCBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUDBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUEBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUFBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUGBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUHBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUIBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUJBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUKBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YULBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUMBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUNBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUOBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUPBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUQBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YURBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUSBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUTUnknown Assignmentbcbs.com
YUUBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUWBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUXBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUYBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YUZBCBS of Oklahomabcbsok.com
YVEAnthem BCBS of Virginiaanthem.com
YVICapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YVJAnthem BCBS of Indianaanthem.com
YVYAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YWACapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWBCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWCCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWDCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWEPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YWFCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWGCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWHCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWIAnthem BCBS of Wisconsinanthem.com
YWJPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YWKCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWLAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YWMCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWNCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWOAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YWPCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWRPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YWSPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YWTCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWVCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWWCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YWXEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YWYBCBS of Wyomingbcbswy.com
YWZCapital Blue Crosscapbluecross.com
YXAIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXBIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXCEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXDEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXEEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXFIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXGEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXHAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YXIPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YXJEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXKIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXLIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXMIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXNBCBS of Nebraskanebraskablue.com
YXOIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXPIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXQIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXRIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXSEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXTIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXUIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXVEmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YXWIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YXZIndependence Blue Crossibx.com
YYAHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYBHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYCHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYDHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYEPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YYFHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYGHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYHHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYIHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYJHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYKHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYMHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYNHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYPHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYQHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYRHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYSHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYTHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYUHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYVHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYWHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYXHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YYZHighmark BCBShighmarkbcbs.com
YZBAnthem BCBS of Coloradoanthem.com
YZFAnthem BCBS of Kentuckyanthem.com
YZGAnthem BCBS of Kentuckyanthem.com
YZHPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YZIAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YZJAnthem BCBS of Kentuckyanthem.com
YZKAnthem BCBS of Connecticutanthem.com
YZMPrefix Not in Usebcbs.com/member-services
YZOAnthem BCBS of Ohioanthem.com
YZREmpire BCBS of New Yorkempireblue.com
YZTAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YZUAnthem Blue Cross of Californiaanthem.com
YZVAnthem BCBS of Nevadaanthem.com
YZWBCBS of Western New Yorkbcbswny.com

For more information or clarification regarding the BCBS prefixes or if you require any medical billing solutions, feel free to reach out to us at support@texmed.us.

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